Category: MacroBlog

  • Tip of the Finger

    Tip of the Finger

    A few months after I bought the house, I bought a water filter to install under the sink for a drinking faucet. Installation was pretty simple. Disconnect a water line and put a T-fitting in to split the water between the regular faucet and the new one. Installing the filter element into the fittings was…

  • Kroger’s Sushi

    Kroger’s Sushi

    I picked my niece up from her band competition. We both decided we were hungry and went to Kroger to get some sort of snack or something. Decided we should go look for the new Lunchly. They were out of stock of all six or so of the flavors so we took a minute to…

  • The System Works As Intended

    The System Works As Intended

    What we had was something you can only find once in a lifetime. Two beautiful and powerful people with the skills to boost each other up. There was shared dreams and common goals for the life ahead of us. We built an amazing child that is full of love for the world around him. What…

  • Sacrificing Without Purpose: A Futile Endeavor

    Sacrificing Without Purpose: A Futile Endeavor

    If you don’t sacrifice with purpose, you’re essentially sacrificing for nothing. Actions without a clear goal or benefit often feel meaningless and can lead to resentment or disappointment. Without a clear purpose, sacrifices might inadvertently harm yourself or others. Sacrificing without a clear reason can leave you feeling unfulfilled and questioning your choices. Others might…

  • Divorce: Trauma and Transaction

    Divorce: Trauma and Transaction

    Divorce, a term once associated with societal failure, has become a commonplace occurrence. Yet, beneath the legal jargon and property division lies a profound human experience. For me, it has been a harrowing journey marked by trauma, while for my ex-wife, it appears to be a mere financial transaction. The emotional upheaval of divorce is…

  • I Don’t Want An Ordinary Life

    I Don’t Want An Ordinary Life

    There was a long discussion while laying on a friend’s couch. The idea was that life was what you made it. You could slave away at a 9 to 5 or you could build a fantastical dream. The dream was to travel the world and see every sight we could. Stop learning from only books…

  • Never Forget The Happy

    Never Forget The Happy

    It’s sad to me that some people choose to only focus on the negative images. There is always a positivity to find. And it’s easier to focus on because the negative feelings are more intense. It takes a LOT to make your positive feelings be that intense. You might have forgotten about watching our footprints…

  • The Feeling of Discounted Feelings

    The Feeling of Discounted Feelings

    A feeling is a complicated thing. I’m struggling just to find the feelings to write this. But I’ll get through it and understand it all better. Processing feelings into words can take time. Getting them out immediately can cause them to come out construed or garbled. If you take time to fully process the feelings…

  • Feeling Like Half

    Feeling Like Half

    I had a big coping day. The boy is out of school for the summer. He used to have a party to celebrate with his friends. Today we are just having 2 friends over to spend the night. It used to be a party with decorations, games, food, and swimming. Screaming and yelling, running crazy…

  • Here I Go Again

    I set out to prove myself capable on my own. It was tough, but I did it. The lost and lonely feelings were very hard. But the show must go on. And it was a great show! 5 extremely good bands showed up. Thank you to all of them and to the Here’s To You…

  • The Grey Rock

    The Grey Rock

    The text describes a strained relationship filled with resentment and accusations, which has turned into a continuous cycle of hurt, anger and betrayal. The individual yearns for a resolution but feels trapped, gradually withdrawing and becoming a mere shadow of his previous self. The toxic environment persists, characterized by arguments, unhappiness, and desolation.

  • My Baby’s On The Level

    My Baby’s On The Level

    In a balanced relationship, parties strive to understand each other and maintain equilibrium. Two people may view relationships differently, reflecting on progress and balance. Communication in a safe, neutral environment plays a crucial part in understanding vulnerabilities and fears, and turning these into learning experiences can break destructive cycles.

  • You Can Pick Your Nose

    You Can Pick Your Nose

    And you can pick who loves you. Keep them around and cherish them forever. You’ll never know when you will need them again in your life. The first time I was feeling down on my luck, I stumbled on a wonderful family that took me in as one of their own. They encouraged my talents…

  • I Am Of The Earth

    I Am Of The Earth

    I grew up in the woods and to there I will return. I am one with the trees and they are one with me. We care for each other in a mutual balance. I will clear out the fallen branches and dead brush and encourage the new growth. The trees will provide the shade and…

  • The Balance

    The Balance

    The loss of balance destroys. The sun and the moon don’t actually balance each other out. The sun provides the light and the warmth but the moon doesn’t provide the dark and the cold, the lack of the sun does. The moon provides the twilight and the tides. Those are only a balance because they…